I am open for discussion. Will there be one?
I'm an open book. Here's your chance to ask me any question and I will answer it. So, go for it. Nothing is off limits. So, again, will there be one?
Friday, May 2, 2008
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If you could meet God right now, and he was willing to answer a question you have, what would you ask?
@Ms Behaving-That is an awesome question!!!
I would ask God want must I do to totallly please him. Not sure if that's a selfish question or not, but that is my heart's desire.
That was a good question Ms. Behaving...
Okay.. Keisha...
What was the turning point in your life?
@Ticia- It was the summer of 2004 at the age of 30. My ticking biological clock started yelling loudly in my ear. I decided to go ahead and go half on a baby. Seems like once I decided and it was my final answer, I heard God say "I'm glad your thinking bout it again, but not right now." I didn't take heed to HIS final answer.
At this point I was recently saved but still not following Jesus.
Anyway, got pregnant with teens and had a miscarriage. I had been dreaming things that were preparing me for this lost. Once it was all over & done I mentally committed myself to God because He made himself known to me during this time. Since then I have been joyfully working for Jesus....PRAYING, HAVING FAITH, GROWING, BELIEVING, & TRUSTING, even when I fall down. :)
Hey girl! Really dig the blog...
What made you turn to ministry?
@ Gotta Let It Out-After the 2004 transformation I mentioned above, I just started walking in my calling and using my gifts to glorify God.
When you decide on your hairstyle?
Does your hairstyle have any significance or is it just a style that you like?
Will you ever change it?
When do you feel most beautiful?
Did you grow with a religious background?
1. I believe I went natural in 2003. I had long permed hair & I went to the shop and told them to cut it off! I rocked a fro for a little while and then made the committment to lock in 2005, I think.
2. There is no signficance to my hairstyle other than being easy. When I first cut off my hair and went natural I was looking for somthing new and a way to express my freedom.
3. I like to challenge myself and so I have verbally declared that I would keep my locks until the next time I get pregnant. I wanna show God I am trusting him to do what He said he would which is give me a child. I want to watch my hair grow back as my blessing grows inside me.
4. Wow, you got me on this one. I don't always feel beautiful, but I do feel pretty darn cute when I put on a little make up. However, I rarely wear make up. I'm a natual sistah :)
5. I went to church as a child. I got catch up in the 'hypocrites in church' thing and used that as an excuse to avoid church at all means. My mother talked about God, but I didn't know him and barely could I have a conversation about Him until 2004ish.
Nothing to ask. Just surfin' the net for additional blogs to add to the Black Blog Rankings. Keep your flow goin' sista!
peace, Villager
Have the terrorist won?
Would you consider the USA to also be terrorist?
What advice would you give Reverend Jeremiah Wright?
What advice would you give barack Obama?
What advice would you give me?
Hi...just stopping through. What would you go back and change (in your life) if you could? What advice would you give today to young, black women searching for truth?
God's grace to you,
@Villager-Thanks for stopping by. Come back again.
@Don-To be honest politics just ain't my thing, so I really don’t have much to say about these questions though they are great questions.
As for what advice I'd give you, depends on the situation. However, knowing me, I'd tell you to pray about it!
@M.B.C.-A few years ago, I spoke of many things I would change. However, I now know that my story is my testimony and that I have gone through things and made mistakes to help others. Therefore, I would not change anything. I am who I am, but I ain’t who I used to be and God gets the glory through it all.
I often tell the young black women in my life to seek the manual of life (God’s word) for the truth. I would tell them that God has blessed us with instructions for life through the bible and that every question and answer lives on those pages.
If you had gone through your pregnacy and everything worked out fine, do you think you would be where you are right now with God?
What interests you in the ministry?
@Jewells- If you had gone through your pregnacy and everything worked out fine, do you think you would be where you are right now with God?
That is a great question....hmmm..I'd say NO! I would have been distracted by baby daddy drama and all the stressors that come with that! YES I would have eventually landed on my knees in prayer...but it would have been down a different path with wayyyy more consequences…I mean plenty of scratches….cause God was not in that scenario!
There are a few things that interest me about ministry, but the number one thing would be learning to rely on God totally and completely. NO WAY have I mastered this, but the student is gaining wisdom from the teachers who willing and unwillingly teach. I am also learning to rely on him through the day to day ins and outs of life. I love that I HAVE TO rely on God before I write the LYLAS weekly letters, before I minister spoken word, teach a workshop, or even go to work everyday. All of these parts of my life, I consider being involved in active ministry and I have no chose but to rely on God. Now relying on him for things outside of ministry is a whole other story! WORK IN PROGRESS
Um... Wait. Did you say ministry?
Sorry, I will have to keep my dirty minded questions to myself. There have to be SOME boundaries!!!
BTW, welcome to the roll.
@2nd 68-LOL. Well, I 'preciate u for that!!!
man...everyone asked good questions...imma have to come back
@Flyyest-lol.....Come on back & hit me with a question?
are you married??
have you ever been to seattle???
can you sing??
do you have anything before the keisha??
**i think i asked you that b4 tho**
i believe in the saying dont pray and worry...but how can u actually NOT worry???
i mean i pray all the time but i still worry about things.....
i work on sundays so i aint been to church since december...im not into night church...and if i read the bible alone i wont focus...
what do i do????
@Flyyest-I see your back with some great questions.
1. No, I am not married, but I am currently prepared to be married when God sends him to find me!
2. No, I've never been to Seattle, but sounds like some where I'd like to visit.
3. I've been told I can sing many times. I know I have the gift to sing, but I'm not as confident with singing as I am with rapping and spoken word.
(p.s. you can hear me singing on two of my songs on myspace. Check it out & let me know what you think).
4. Nope! I'm just plain ole Keisha.
5. When you pray you have to trust God. People who pray and worry are not trusting God. It seems like it's hard, but it only takes a mustard seed of faith. We are so use to doing things on our own effort, so it takes practice to stop worrying after you pray. You gotta learn some scriptures to get you through. One of my favorites scriptures is Proverb 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." If you learn to trust God with ALL your heart then you'll learn to let go and let him work it out!
6. I'd say pray for a change in your schedule to allow you to attend church. Try to catch bible study if you can. Go to a Saturday service. These are a few suggestions, but I do encourage you to find a place of worship that best suits you. There are some great church services geared toward our generation.
Do you pray in the morning and evening, or all day?
Do you pray for things, guidance, or are you just thankful?
Do you ever find yourself lost, even with faith?
Do you date? If so, are your dates limited to guys who attend your church, church period?
If you met someone who was not saved, whom you grew to like, even love, would you pressure them to walk your walk?
@Mizrepresent- Wow, another set of great questions!
1. The only set prayer I have is the Lylas Prayer on Wednesday at 5am in the morning. The rest of my prayers are throughout the day. I'm learning to pray more and more each day. I understand that prayer is communication with God and communication is necessary for a relationship with him. I'm a work in progress in this area.
2. I mostly pray for guidance, knowledge, wisdom, and discernment. The formula that I use for prayer is ACTS (Admiration for God, Confession of my sins, Thanksgiving to God, & Petitions). I am learning to pray for God's will to be done. I figure I can't go wrong with that prayer.
3. No, I don't date. Not because I don't want to, but because I haven't been asked yet. I don't really care bout dating though. I'd rather have quality than quantity, so I'll wait till He who is sent by God comes to find me!!!
Oh yeah, NO that he doesn't have to be from my church. God is not in the box so why should we be :)
4. Umma do me! I would ask God to remove him if he's not suppose to be in the picture and to give me strength if he is suppose to be in the picture.
Blogging....why did you start? And is there something that could make you stop blogging??
@Charles-I started blogging because my friend Darius (Church Boy) kept telling me about it. It took me a while to get started but once I did, I loved it just like he said I would. I'm not sure what would stop me from blogging. Other obligations might not allow me to do as much, but I don't see why I would totally stop.
when will u publish your first book
u got a blog crush
why are u a democrat, if u are
1. I started writing a novel, but I haven't been working on it lately.
2. No, I can't say I have a blog crush at this time.
3. I am a democrat. It just is what it is. Plus I don't like playing in the bushes. :)
Have you ever heard M.I.A.'s song Paper Planes?
@Topsoil-No I've never heard that song before.
No questions. Just thanking God for another positive person in the blogosphere.
Blessings to you.
@Sojourner-Thank you so much.
@ keisha: However, knowing me, I'd tell you to pray about it! good advice.
@Don-It's funny how just a few years ago I didn't like praying out loud and I felt like I wasn't praying right, but NOW....I'm always like "pray about" or "wanna pray". Prayer truly does work and just because He doesn't move when you want him to does not mean He won't move right on time.
Wow Ms Keisha...we have a lot in common. I appreciate your spiritual realm and I wish you the best with your walk in christ. God aint finished with me yet and Im not perfect but that is why I attend church every single sunday. When I miss it, my week dont kick right. I have to work on my spirit though cause there is alot of demise around me...thanks for being honest and true..love you for that my sister..
Be Blessed and Im walking with you on the baby walk...smile, pray for me and I will continue to pray for you!
@Poca-Thank you for the love & support. Let's keep stepping in faith & continue to be a work in progress. Bless you & your family!!!
I have no questions just wanted to stop by and tell you to keep on keep'n on.
@Tabu-Thanks for the love!
Chicken or Fish?
Bath or Shower?
Ice Cream or Cake?
do u think OJ did it?
do black ppl need reparations?
u eat pork?
Thanks for visting my blog kitten.
I have a few questions for you.
1.What is the name of the first, second and third blogs that you read?
2.What made you start blogging?
3. If you could change anything physically about yourself, what would it be.
@Tony Oh-How are you? Let's see that would be FISH, BATH & FROZEN FRUIT BARS! :)
@Karrie B-Good questions!!
1. I'd say there's only 2 who really know the truth....and 1 is the judge in the end.
2. I think compensation comes from the father daily. We just have to continue walking in faith as the chosen people and believe that no work was in vain.
3. No, not really, typically I don't!....lol...here's the deal if it's a pot of greens and there's pork in it. I will certainly excuse Ms Piggy from my plate, but I'm definitely eating the greens.
@Beauty in Balt:
1. The first and second blogs that I read were my boy Darius The Church Boy and my pastor's blog. I've read so many I can't even begin to think of who the third blog was.
2. Darius kept telling me about it, but I'm the type of person that hears the wisdom and puts it on the book shelf. We it was my season to blog I pulled the book from the shelf and started reading. I love writing and reading blogs big time!
3. I would make that will be changing my size. Also, I'd probably be a bit taller if I could. :)
Awesome questions Flyy!
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