
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

RUN FORREST RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was thinking about motivation and how taxing it can be to constantly have to stimulate movement in someone. It’s especially draining when the person is claiming to want more, but seemingly does less than required. “I don’t wanna have to depend on nobody!” is what they say, but their actions indicate otherwise. How can you gain more when you put in minimal effort?

I work with teenagers and part of my job is to encourage them to attend school, find employment, take care of their hygiene, and keep the house clean. I often have to pray for strength because sometimes I find myself on the edge ready to explode. Why do I have to fight you to fight for yourself????

There is not going to be a “Jenny” around all the time, so we’ve got to learn how to encourage ourselves. Motivation comes from within my friend. Even the Little Red Caboose had to recognize that and when he did….HE DID!


Copasetic Soul said...

i wish that the knowledge offered to me as a youth, would have sunk in. so many things in my life would be different. yet, we have to live and learn from OUR own mistakes.

i had many of those "ready to explode" moments while in AmeriCorp. i tutored at a middle school were the ALL the kids seemed
too grown for their own good. this is what happens when babies raise HAVE to fight them to fight for them themselves because they arent used to other people doing it!

Keisha "Kitten" Isaacs said...

@Copasetic Soul-You're right, but the fight gets so hard sometimes....I would have quit 22 times by now, but I know I'm there for a purpose that will benefit them and as well as myself...Let me encourage myself right quick...I THINK I CAN...RUN KITTEN RUN.....I THINK I CAN!!!! !!!!!!!!!Peace & Blessings

deepnthought said...

If it was easy and they didn't need the outside force then, you wouldn't have been called or needed. I know it gets hard. In fact, I had to re read several times to make sure that wasn't from one of my journals from two years ago. Just breathe and know that
it will sink in eventually and you will have done your part.

Darius T. Williams said...

Ahhh - just like David. It's hard though, trust me. You'll be happy to know that I got a personal trainer.

Keisha "Kitten" Isaacs said...

@deepnthought-SO TRUE...SO TRUE!

@Darius-I am happy, but I'll be even more happy when I get one...I think I can...I think I can

Jazzy said...

Why do I have to fight you to fight for yourself????

Great many teens seem not to care anymore.

You may feel drained by your efforts, but even if you reach ONE of those kids, then your efforts are not in vain.

Keisha "Kitten" Isaacs said...

If ONE....Job well DONE!!!

Miss Snarky Pants said...

As a mother to teenagers I often feel this way myself...

Slowly but surely I'm learning tho' that you can't want for anybody what they don't want for themselves.

Sucks too [ya know] because they don't realize that what you're trying to get across to them is for their OWN good.

Keisha "Kitten" Isaacs said...

@ms.behaving-I feel you on that. I had my teenage God daughter and her baby with me for a few months and I had to let go & let God, because I clearly wanted more for her than she did.

Anonymous said...

No question about that Sista, encouragement comes from within...The fact is that everyone has to go through the fire, none is exempt! You my dear, take comfort in knowing that your only responsibility is to sow the seeds and another will come along and water it. You may not witness the fruit when it comes to harvest and another may very well enjoy the fruits, but know that you planted the seeds and just as we reap from trees that we have not planted, so shall others. Be blessed Darlin, God ain't through with you yet!

Keisha "Kitten" Isaacs said...

@Tony Oh-If I've planted a seed than I've done a great job in indeed. I recieve that word...God ain't through with me yet, in fact the best has yet to come!

Hope you stop by again...

Cash S. said...

Hot post! Can I print this out and pass it out to a couple of people?

Keisha "Kitten" Isaacs said...

@Cash C-Sure!