
Saturday, April 19, 2008

Peace Became Still

It had been days since she last saw him and way too many minutes had passed since they last spoke. How could he just disappear into thin air? Where was he when she needed him most of all. She searched in the depths of her mind to recall the last time when they were separated for such a long time as this. She felt so alone and hurt by his disappearing act. Suddenly she felt a peace come over her body bringing her to a calm place. She slowly wiped the tears from her eyes as she heard him say… “I am still here, fear not I will never leave you nor forsake you.” At that very moment peace became still…..


deepnthought said...

now this is sweet.

Keisha "Kitten" Isaacs said...



Darius T. Williams said...

Halleluyer - won't he do it?

Anonymous said...

He is truly AMAZING!

Mizrepresent said...

So lovely...just what i needed to hear lady!